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Introducing India's NEP 2020

A Visionary Step Towards Educational Excellence

Introducing India's NEP 2020: A Visionary Step Towards Educational Excellence

DAV University embraces the progressive National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) to offer an enriching academic experience. With NEP 2020, we have introduced a transformative Modular System, enabling students to customize their learning journey with Modules, Modular Credits, and diverse Modular System. This dynamic approach allows students to earn credits based on their performance, promoting a flexible and student-centric Academic Year. Emphasizing Multiple entry and exit options, our university empowers learners to chart their educational path and achieve their goals at their own pace. With a focus on holistic development and innovative teaching methods, we nurture students to excel and attain their desired Degree Classification.

Understanding NEP – 2020

As India embarks on a journey towards academic transformation, we are proud to embrace India's National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) – a visionary roadmap that redefines the landscape of higher education. With a focus on holistic learning, innovation, and global competitiveness, NEP 2020 paves the way for a future-ready educational ecosystem.

NEP 2020 places emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and practical skills development, equipping our students to navigate the challenges of a rapidly evolving world. Embracing technology and digital learning, our university aims to create a technologically adept and inclusive learning environment for all.

Aligned with the principles of NEP 2020, we are dedicated to nurturing a research-driven culture, encouraging our faculty and students to explore new frontiers of knowledge. Our commitment to promoting multilingualism and regional diversity further enriches the educational experience, fostering a sense of cultural understanding and unity.

Academic Year

Starting in July and ending in June the following year.

An academic year has two semesters, each consisting of at least 90 days of instruction and two weeks of exams.

Semester I: July to December

Semester II: January to June

Modular Credits

Each module usually counts for 4 Modular Credits (MCs). On average, DAV University students take 20 MCs each semester.

One MC represents 4 hours of study and preparation per week, including lectures, tutorials and assignments.

Modular System

DAV University is dedicated to implementing the rigour, depth, and flexibility principles advocated by the National Higher Educational Qualification Framework, as outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP – 2020).


Academic modules refer to individual units or components of a course or programme of study. Each module is designed to provide structured learning experiences and cover specific topics or subject areas within a broader curriculum. They provide a structured framework for learning and facilitate a comprehensive educational experience by offering a diverse range of topics, skills, and approaches within a specific course or programme. Modules may include lectures, seminars, practical sessions, research projects, assignments, assessments, and examinations to assess student’s understanding and progress. Modules provide flexibility and customization options for students. They allow students to focus on specific areas of interest, tailor their learning experience, and build a well-rounded understanding of their subject.

Degree Classification

The degree classification is based on the student’s overall academic performance throughout their undergraduate programme. It takes into account their grades, credits earned and the fulfillment of programme requirements. The classification is typically represented by a specific grade or grade point average (GPA) range.

Multiple entry and exit options.

Multiple Entry and Exit Options allow students to exit the program and receive an Undergraduate Certificate (44 credits), Undergraduate Diploma (80 credits), or Bachelor's Degree (120 credits). Honours students completing 160 credits earn a Bachelor's Degree (Honours), while those with research obtain a Bachelor's Degree (Honours with Research).

Exit 1 - Undergraduate Certificate

Students who choose to exit the program after earning a minimum of 40 credits will be granted an Undergraduate Certificate in the relevant discipline/subject. In order to be eligible, they must also obtain at least 4 credits in work-based vocational courses offered during the summer term or through an internship/apprenticeship. This totals 44 credits.

Exit 2 - Undergraduate Diploma

Students who decide to exit the program after attaining a minimum of 80 credits will be awarded an Undergraduate Diploma in the relevant discipline/subject. Additionally, they must earn an additional 4 credits in skill-based vocational courses offered either during the first year or the second year's summer term.

Exit 3 - Bachelor's Degree

Students who successfully complete the entire 3-year undergraduate program by earning a total of 120 credits will be granted a Bachelor's Degree in the relevant discipline/ subject.

Exit 4 - Bachelor's Degree (Honours) / (Honours) with Research

Upon earning a total of 160 credits, they will be awarded a Bachelor's Degree (Honours/ Honours with Research) in the relevant discipline. Students who maintain minimum 7.5 CGPA in three years will be enrolled in a Bachelor’s Degree (Honours with Research) in the relevant discipline and shall be offered a 12 credit research project in the 8th semester. For 4-year Honours programme, instead of a 12-credit research project/ dissertation, student must complete minimum three courses having 12 credits.

Multiple Entry

The programmes allow students to enter at different stages, providing flexibility in their academic journey. Students can rejoin the programme and begin their studies at various points, based on their individual requirements.


Students are required to enroll in a specific major at the beginning of their programme. However, they have the option to either continue with the chosen major or switch to another major within the same broad discipline after the second semester. This flexibility allows students to explore different interdisciplinary courses during their first year.


Students have the opportunity to select a minor at the end of the second semester. The minor can be chosen from disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or skill-based vocational education streams. It enables students to gain additional knowledge and expertise in a secondary area of study.

Ability Enhancement Courses

Students are expected to study Modern Indian Language (MIL), English, and international languages with a special emphasis on language and communication skills. These courses focus on enhancing students’ linguistic abilities, enabling effective communication in different contexts.

  • Behavioural & Life Skills
  • Cambridge English-I
  • Cambridge English-II
  • Communication Skills
  • Community Engagement & Social Responsibility
  • Creative & Critical Thinking
  • Global Citizenship in Higher Education
  • Leadership Management
  • Personality Development
  • Personality Enhancement
  • Technical Report Writing

Skill-Enhancement Courses

Designed specifically to enhance students’ employability, skill-enhancement courses offer practical skills, hands-on training, and soft skills development. These courses are tailored to provide students with the necessary competencies for the job market.

  • Apiculture
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Analytics
  • Design Thinking
  • Design Thinking & Innovation
  • Digital Fluency
  • Disaster Preparedness and Planning
  • Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Thinking and Action
  • Fundamentals of Computer programming & IT (FCPIT)
  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • NCC
  • Programming with FORTRAN
  • Python Programming

Multi-disciplinary Courses

As part of their curriculum, students are required to take three introductory courses that cover broad disciplines. These courses aim to provide a well-rounded education in liberal arts and sciences, exposing students to various intellectual perspectives and expanding their knowledge base.

  • Basics of Biology
  • Basics of Chemistry
  • Basics of Physics
  • Business Management for Beginners
  • Economics for Beginners
  • Fine Arts
  • Functioning of the Human Body
  • Fundamental of Mutual Funds
  • Introductory Biotechnology
  • Introductory Botany
  • Introductory Journalism
  • Introductory Microbiology
  • Jyotish: ‘Eye of the Veda’
  • Library Information Sciences
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Professional Communication
  • Professional Photography

Value-Added Courses

These mandatory courses for UG students include understanding India, environmental science, education, digital and technological solutions, health and wellness, yoga education, sports, and fitness. These courses aim to provide students with a holistic education for inculcating understanding of life and society.

  • Environmental Studies
  • Gender Sensitization
  • General Studies
  • Green Technologies
  • Health & Yoga
  • Human Values and Ethics
  • NSS
  • Professional Ethics
  • Sustainable Development
  • Therapeutic Yoga

ABC of Your Pathway to Flexible Learning and Success!

The Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) is a concept introduced under India's National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020). It is a novel and innovative system that aims to promote flexibility and transparency in higher education by enabling students to accumulate academic credits for the courses they complete. The ABC system is designed to facilitate seamless mobility and facilitate multiple entry and exit points for learners within the higher education framework.

Here's how the Academic Bank of Credit works:

Credit Accumulation

Under the ABC system, students earn academic credits for the successful completion of each course or module. These credits are recorded in the student's account within the Academic Bank of Credit.

Flexibility in Course Selection

Students can choose courses based on their interests and career goals from a wide range of offerings across different disciplines and institutions. The ABC system allows them to accumulate credits irrespective of the institution they are enrolled in.

Multiple Entry and Exit Points

The ABC system enables students to have multiple entry and exit points within the higher education system. This means that students can enroll, take a break, or exit the education system at different stages while still being able to retain the credits they have earned.

Credit Transfer

If a student decides to change their academic program or institution, the credits earned in the Academic Bank of Credit can be transferred to the new program or institution, ensuring that the student's academic progress is not hindered.

Lifelong Learning

The ABC system promotes lifelong learning by providing a mechanism for individuals to return to the education system and continue their education at any point in their lives. This is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to upgrade their skills or explore new career opportunities.

Transparent and Consistent

The Academic Bank of Credit ensures transparency and consistency in credit recognition, making it easier for students to understand and plan their academic journey.