Friday, July 26, 2024
workshop on “Basics of IPR and Patent Search in Research”
October 06, 2021

Faculty of Agriculture Sciences organized a workshop on IPR entitled “Basics of IPR and Patent Search in Research” on 6th October, 2021 in online mode. Dr Surya Mani Tripathi the Legal Counsel at ICRISAT Hyderabad, India who is an international lawyer, registered Indian attorney and Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP), accredited by ATTP was the resource person of the workshop. The event started with the formal welcome of the resource person by Dr. Anju Pathania (Coordinator, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences). Dr. Surya Mani Tripathi explained the importance and various aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The workshop comprehensively touched upon IPRs which includes patents, trademark, copy rights, industrial designs, and geographical indications. He also emphasized on the advantages of protecting IPRs and the procedure of filing of Intellectual Property. He elaborated on patent search, types of patent search and the usage of patent information. There were about 100 participants in the workshop including faculty members. The entire session was very interactive and informative.

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