Friday, July 26, 2024
Launch of "Drug Free Society - Campaign Skills" series at DAV University Jalandhar
May 09, 2022

Hon'ble Union Minister of State Shri Kaushal Kishore inaugurated the series of "Drug Free Social Campaign Kaushal Ka" at DAV University, Jalandhar. He started it with seriousness and passion and encouraged the students to stay away from drugs. On this occasion the Hon'ble Union Minister of State urged all the youth present to stay away from drugs and took a vow from them that they would never do drugs and would make one person a part of this movement every month. He also invited all to be a part of the August 9 resolution. He said that if we all work together to make one person drug free then one day our whole country will be drug free.

Their aim is to motivate the youth across the country not only to stay away from drugs but also to get others to stay away from it. He has so far inspired millions in the campaign and vowed that he would not stop the campaign until he had drugged the whole country. The Hon'ble Minister of State believes that it is better to educate your children in advance to stay away from drugs than to stay away from them.

On this occasion Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Mrs. Jasbir Rishi Ji spoke of full cooperation in this noble cause of the University. He said that there was zero tolerance towards drugs in the university campus. We constantly make students aware of this. At the same time our students go to the villages we have adopted and motivate people to stay away from it. NSS conducts awareness programs from time to time. This program has also been organized by the NSS unit of DAV University in collaboration with the drug free society under this fruit. The Hon'ble Minister lauded the initiative of DAV University and urged them to continue this initiative.

The Hon'ble Registrar Shri KN Kaul, NSS Coordinator Dr. Smriti Khosla, Program Officer Dr. Lakhmeer Singh, Dr. Ashutosh and Dr. Vidya Pandey also asked the students to stay away from drugs and commended them for attending the program. About 600 students participated in the event.

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